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Moving between tabs in Blend

I have a xamTabControl with 4 tabs in it. On the 2nd tab, I have a grid with a couple xamCharts. I'm having trouble getting the orientation of the 3D chart right in VS2008, so I jumped over to Blend to see if the Transform3D properties were there to easily manipulate. I found them, but I can't get the 2nd tab to show me the controls that are on it from Blend. When I click the tab header, it simply selectes the header and doesn't show the tab. How can I see the contents of a tab so I can manipulate the properties and see my results before going back over to VS2008?

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    I got it working. First, I had to load Blend 2 SP1 because it was crashing when I was working with the Transform3D properties. Then, I had to expand my tab, then click on the Grid control before clicking on the chart. That got it to show up, and I was able to manipulate values.

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