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Problems with new version Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v9.1

We were working with the library Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v7.2 for a long time without any problem, but recently we decided to try the new one (Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v9.1), and we have found a problem: there are charts that the program doesn't draw properly.

We draw the charts in the vb .net code, because the number of the datapoints depends on the data we receive from  the databases and the color of those datapoints, depends on that data too. Since we've changed the version, if we create more than 31 datapoints, the chart ignores the style we defined for each one.

For example, it the chart has 31 datapoints defined, the chart would be:

But if the data changes and the chart needs to have more than 31 datapoints (for example 32) the chart becomes:

 With the version v7.2, the chart was:

So, what's the problem? Is there a limit on the number of the datapoints that you can add to a Serie? Maybe there was a limit on version v7.2 but we didn´t reach it. Has it got a limit too?

Thank you for your attention.

  • 28496
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    i think your chart is switching over to "fast rendering mode," which was added in 8.1.  in fast rendering mode, some styling features are turned off.

    you can go back to the old behavior using this markup:

                                    <igChart:GridAreaRenderingOptions RenderingMode="Full" />


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