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X-axis label count restriction

If too many points are displayed on the screen where at least 1 custom label has been supplied on the x-axis, the chart displays an error.  The solutions that I've been able to find so far are limited to setting the axis.unit property to < 50.  This solution might solve some problems; however, it doesn't solve the following problem.  I need to display hourly data that accounts for daylight savings.  That is, a day may have 23, 24, or 25 hours and several / many days of data may be displayed at once.  In this case, there's not a constant interval that I can use like 24 for the axis.unit.  I've tried creating data points and just specifying the label property when the day changes but this still produces the error.  I'm setting the properties using code-behind if it matters.  At this point, I'm working with a line graph.

Is there anything I can do to solve this problem? 

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  • 28496
    Offline posted

    i think we fixed this recently.  can you try downloading the latest hotfix and re-testing?

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