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Binding dates to scatter chart in code behind

When I run the code below it gives me completely wrong dates on my X axis the existing dates are today - 10 while the dates that apear are all 30/12/99 - this only hapens when i bind frome code behind.  If i create my axes and series in XAML there is no issue.  What am I missing?

var MyORMData = [ORM data source which normaly binds well with infragistics];



            Series series = new Series();

            series.ChartType = ChartType.Scatter;

            series.DataPointColor = DataPointColor.Same;


            Marker marker = new Marker();

            marker.Type = MarkerType.Star5;

            marker.MarkerSize = .5;

            series.Marker = marker;

            series.AxisX = "DATE_TIME_FIELD";

            series.AxisY = "DOUBLE_FIELD";

            series.DataSource = _Summary;

            series.DataMapping = "ValueX = DATE_TIME_FIELD; ValueY = DOUBLE_FIELD; ValueZ = Z_FIELD";






            Axis x = new Axis();

            x.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryX;

            Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label labelX = new Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label();

            labelX.FontSize = 8;

            Mark mark = new Mark();

            mark.Stroke = Brushes.AliceBlue;

            x.MajorGridline = mark;

            x.AutoRange = true;

            x.Label = labelX;



            Axis y = new Axis();

            y.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryY;

            Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label labelY = new Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label();

            labelY.FontSize = 8;

            y.MajorGridline = mark;

            y.AutoRange = false;

            y.Unit = 10;

            y.Minimum = 50;

            y.Maximum = 100;

            y.Label = labelY;



            Axis z = new Axis();

            z.AxisType = AxisType.PrimaryZ;

            Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label labelZ = new Infragistics.Windows.Chart.Label();

            labelY.FontSize = 8;

            z.MajorGridline = mark;

            z.AutoRange = false;

            z.Unit = 1;

            z.Minimum = 0;

            z.Maximum = 6;

            z.Label = labelZ;







No Data
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    the Series.AxisX and AxisY properties are supposed to correspond to the Axis.Name property setting, not a field in your datasource.  try adding this code before adding the Axes to the chart:


                x.Name = "DATE_TIME_FIELD";
                y.Name = "DOUBLE_FIELD";

No Data