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WPF/XAML equivalent to UltraWinExplorerBar?

I'm quite new to the Infragistics suite.  I'm trying to replace an old WinForms application with a WPF version.  The old application used the UltraWinExplorerBar, but I can't find it in the WPF version.  Is there something roughly equivalent?  What should I be using instead?

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    Hello Brenna,

    Thank you for posting to Infragistics Community!

    I believe the XamOutlookBar is the equivalent in WPF that you are looking for. Please, check out the referenced documentation section and let me know if you have any questions regarding its usage.

    You could also check the samples in the WPF Samples Browser that come with the installation of Ultimate UI for WPF.

    Best regards,
    Bozhidara Pachilova
    Associate Software Developer

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