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prevent zoom on mouse wheel in XamDataChart

I'm using a XamDataChart with a HorizontalZoombar and a VerticalZoombar.

I would like to change the functionality so that when I scroll the mouse wheel, it scrolls vertically rather than zooming in.

How can I do this?

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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Josh,

    In order to prevent the zoom on mouse wheel, I would recommend handling the PreviewMouseWheel event of the XamDataChart and mark it handled (e.Handled = true where ‘e’ is the event arguments).

    As for getting the chart to scroll vertically, I would recommend that you increment or decrement the WindowPositionVertical property of the XamDataChart based on the e.Delta property of the event arguments. This property returns a value between 0 and 1 and represents the part of the XamDataChart that is vertically scrolled to. This value added together with the XamDataChart.ActualWindowRect.Height will also always add up to 1, so it may be a good idea to constrain this if the new WindowPositionVertical + XamDataChart.ActualWindowRect.Height >= 1

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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