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XamDataGrid ComboBoxField AllowFiltering AutoComplete

I have a comboboxfield in my xamdatagrid.  I need it to allow for filtering and autocomplete of the bound records, but disallow free typing in the field.

I can achieve this behavior in the XamComboBox control like so:

                    <ig:XamComboEditor Name="cmbLabel" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="250" Margin="5" SelectionChanged="cmbLabel_SelectionChanged" AutoComplete="True"
                                       AllowFiltering="True" />

Can a similar thing be done to the comboboxfield?

  • 50
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    Actual code for the XamComboEditor should be:

    <ig:XamComboEditor Name="cmbLabel" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="250" Margin="5" SelectionChanged="cmbLabel_SelectionChanged" AutoComplete="True" AllowFiltering="True" />

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