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Bug? X Button in Ribbon Window is just a little dot


I upgraded from NetAdvantage for WPF 2007 to 2008 and also installed the Hotfix.
Now all my XamRibbonWindows displays instead of an "X" as close button just a small dot (a block of 4 pixels).

The button itself is correct in size, but the X-Icon does not diplay correctly.

Can you help me to temporarly correct this issue using a workaround?

Best regards,




  • 54937
    Offline posted

    I see the issue when running under XP with themes turned off. You should report the issue to the support group so you can be notified when the fix is available. When you report the issue, please reference issue #BR35778. With regards to a workaround, you would likely have to retemplate the XamRibbon to ultimately change the template keyed with the string XamRibbonCaptionButton_Right; these styles are distributed in the xaml provided in the install if you want to try and go this route.

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