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Column filter performance problems in XamSpreadsheet control


Our customer raised a problem on xamSpreadsheet control extremely slow response time on click of column filter to access filter values. I was able to create simple Excel sheet which also reproduces same problem. Obviously the problem already in Microsoft Excel engine since clicking on Filter in column A is fast while column B is extra slow. I've tried lots of things but at the end I found that really Conditional Formatting is causing problem and the only problem appears to be in displaying format. If this is not set then filter response time is quick. Removing background formatting does not help either since formatting still has something left and it is indicated in the Format column.

So question is for Infragistics side since as understand that it has own excel engine: is this possible to fix on Infragistics side so the performance of filter drop down not affected by formatting of the rows?

I am providing Excel sample used as templated in our xamSpreadsheet control which also reproducing original problem as Excel.


Click on column A filter button in the control with loaded test workbook. The response time to show values is quick.

Click on column B filter button in the control with loaded test workbook. The response is hanging for 30 seconds or more before displaying any data.

We could potentially reduce the row number (not ideal option) but at the end problem is still not solved since waiting time reduced but it is still long time.

Thanks in advance,


  • 7375
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting . I am able to reproduce the issue with the excel sheet you attached.

    In the excel application hangs when try to open the 2nd column filter , I am not sure if we can do anything about that in the excel although tried loading this excel nto our spreadsheet control and find application hand when I am opening the first column fitter as well, and for this behavior I have logged a bug into our internal system.

    Through the performance profilter I find some inter code causing it .


    In response to this issue being logged, I have opened a new private support case for you that I will be linking to this issue so you can be notified when a fix or other resolution becomes available. This private case has an ID of C-00220629 and you can access it here: <>

    Let me know if you have any question or concern.


    Divya Jain

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