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Cut/Paste issue in the spreadsheet control

We have encountered some new issues in the spreadsheet control:

  • Issue with cut/delete operation (reproduced in project). The application becomes completely unresponsive when user selects a full row and tries to cut/delete it.
  • Issue with cut/paste operation (reproduced in project). When some row is cut and pasted at the bottom, the row is filled until its end. The application becomes also unresponsive for several seconds when this operation is being done or undone. Please also note a special handling for cut operation which cannot be removed due to the previous issue. Steps to reproduce:
  • Select some full row with content and cut it;
  • Select full row without content below the table;
  • Paste the cut content.


What is the suggested fix for both issues?


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  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Tomas,

    I have been investigating into the two behaviors you are reporting in this case, and these both seem to be unexpected behavior. More on that toward the end of this response.

    Regarding a workaround for these issues, I believe your “special cut operation” will help you to work around the first issue in this case, as this appears to be setting the ActiveSelection in the CommandExecuting event for the XamSpreadsheet when a Cut operation is found to be happening, and if you limit your selection to the cells that have actually been used, this operation should happen quicker. With that said, I have noticed that this does not happen in the Workbook in the “special cut operation” sample, even if I remove the code happening during that operation. I am unsure why this is at the moment.

    Regarding a workaround for the paste operation, I believe the best thing I can recommend is to also use the CommandExecuting event and check for SpreadsheetCommandType.Paste. You can get the text to be pasted by using the static Clipboard.GetText() method, and you will need to parse out that text and push it to the WorksheetCell Values corresponding to your selection. You will also want to mark the event cancelled (e.Cancel = true) in the case of the paste operation to ensure that the built-in paste does not try to happen.

    As mentioned previously, both of these issues are unexpected, and as such I have asked our development teams to examine them further. These issues have an internal tracking ID of 273268 and 273269 and I will be linking them to a private support case that I have created for you. This case has an ID of CAS-213924-M3T1X2 and you can access it after signing into your account, here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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