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xamDataGrid Template field ignored

I am using WPF 15.1 ... and trying to simply increase the margin of one field in my grid, referring to the instructions in the help guide

Part of my XAML code is:

             <dp:XamDataGrid x:Name="dg1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" AutoFit="true">
                 <dp:FieldLayoutSettings AutoGenerateFields="False"/>

                        <dp:NumericField Name="#"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Account"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Instrument"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Strategy"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Pos"/>

                        <dp:TemplateField Name="Qty">
                              <TextBlock Text="{ig:TemplateEditorValueBinding}"
                                         HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="5,0,0,0" Foreground="Blue"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="Entry"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="Exit"/>
                        <dp:DateTimeField Name="Entry Time"/>
                        <dp:DateTimeField Name="Exit Time"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Entry Name"/>
                        <dp:TextField Name="Exit Name"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="Profit"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="CNP"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="Comm"/>
                        <dp:NumericField Name="Bars"/>
 <!--Mimic NT's (absence of) Record Selector field...-->
                     <dp:FieldLayoutSettings RecordSelectorLocation="None"/>

<!--Mimic NT's record selection behaviour-->
                 <dp:FieldSettings CellClickAction="SelectRecord"/>

I have other styles defined that enable me to get negative values displayed in red (eg Profit field)... works fine.

However, the seemingly simple task of just moving the Qty field a little to the right has me stumped... once again.

As you can see, I am attempting to achieve this by setting the margin... maybe there's a better/simpler way, I can't find it.  If there is a simple way to make ALL fields have a small margin... that would be just fine too, but in my case, the Text fields seem to display fine, ie with a small left margin.   Numeric fields don't.

In any case... the above DataTemplate does nothing... no margin, no blue foreground (which I only added to more easily see if ANYTHING of the template was being recognized)... but no dice.  I just get a plain value, jammed right up against the left edge of the column.

Like this... Qty field

but what I would like is the Qty field like this...

Have searched the forums, tried many variations... nothing changes the display of the Qty field.  Which, BTW, I do NOT need to edit... in fact I definitely do NOT want a xamNumericEditor control... just plain old display a number (but nicely ;-))

Any help appreciated.

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