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XamRichTextEditor Freezes application when binding to invalid html


We have received an incident from one of our customers, reporting that the application freezes. We have narrowed the cause of the incident, and have found out that this is triggered when binding invalid html to the XamRichTextEditor. 

We have tried to find a workaround to prevent the whole application to freeze, but are having problems with this, as the richtexteditor is not showing any errors. (From what we can see).

I have attached a sample project that replicates this error. Please assist in providing af way to deal with this scenario.

Best regards 

Dennis Tycho Nielsen

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  • 1560
    Offline posted
    I noticed that there is an additional thread regarding the same query. Please, keep in mind that according to our support policy we handle singe thread per issues. This helps us ensure that all issues are addressed and handled correctly.
    Please take a look at CAS-210764-S4F8V5 where I have already provided an answer and let me know if you have any additional questions.
    Thank you for using Infragistics components.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Associate Software Developer
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