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XamRibbonWindow Titlebar text white on white

I have a special using of the XamRibbonWindow:
It is a Windows.Application and the code behind creates a XamRibbonWindow and call the method show().

In this environment I have the strange effect that the text color of the title bar ( and only this) is toggling from black to white if I maximize the window or size it back. Each time the window is max the text color is white.

If I use the accent color I see the text white on acc color if maximized and black on acc color on normal window.

Any Idea how I can prevent this toggling?

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  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Hans,

    Thank you for posting. May I know if this issue is also on the VMWare Workstation ,we are discuss your other issue here. Also may I know which version of infragistics control you are using ?

    The best way for us to assist you is if you provide your isolated sample that we can run and use for debugging locally or you can also modify the sample I have attached through the other post and send me back for further investigation.

    Looking forward to hear you back.


    Divya Jain

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