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Not able to build with Infragistics WPF Control

I am facing an issue with building with Infragistics WPF Control.

This is the error I am getting

Unknown build error, 'Cannot resolve dependency to assembly 'InfragisticsWPF, Version=15.2.20152.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' because it has not been preloaded. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent assemblies must be pre-loaded or loaded on demand through the Reflection.

This error only comes when we compile Xaml file, which hosts these controls.

I tried referencing this Dll directly and instantiate a type from  this dll. The dll got loaded fine in this case.

Has it something to do with license?

Note; I dont have an infragistics license in my machine, as we don't develop the UI here( there is a seperate team which has the design license as they develop ui), we are just supposed to build the project referencing these dll and run them

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    I need to utilize XamGrid (variant 12.2) with unbound segment. I figured out how to add unbound segment to show information however not ready to apply any channel. Is there anything should have been done in Xaml to have channel available for unbound segment. I am utilizing Channel Menu choice to have exceed expectations like channel empowered.

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