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xamDataChart: Display axis maximum display


is it possible to display the maximum values of the axis in the chart?

See attached image.

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    you can implement a derived class CustomTickmarkValues from Infragistics.Controls.Charts.TickValues like below. The only thing is that I didn't find a way to avoid having to re-implement the 'normal' assigned tickvalues and just add the axis maximum to the tickvalues. That's what all that "orderOfMagnitude" code is about.



    public class CustomTickmarkValues : TickmarkValues
    List<double> _majorvalues;

    List<double> _minorValues;

    public double MinimumDisplayValue => _majorvalues.First();

    public double MaximumDisplayValue => _majorvalues.Last();

    List<double> GetTicks(double minimumDisplayValue, double maximumDisplayValue, int ticksCount)
    List<double> ticks = new List<double>();

    double proposedMajorTickRange = (maximumDisplayValue - minimumDisplayValue) / (double)ticksCount;

    double orderOfMagnitude = Math.Round(Math.Log10(proposedMajorTickRange), 0);

    double proposedTickRange = Math.Pow(10, orderOfMagnitude);

    double multiplicationFactor = Math.Max(1, Math.Round(proposedMajorTickRange / proposedTickRange, 0));

    double tickRange = multiplicationFactor * proposedTickRange;

    double minimumTickValue = Math.Floor(minimumDisplayValue / tickRange) * tickRange;

    double runningValue = minimumTickValue;

    while (runningValue <= maximumDisplayValue)

    runningValue += tickRange;

    return ticks;

    public CustomTickmarkValues(double? minimumDataValue, double? maximumDataValue ,int ticksCount)
    _minorValues = new List<double>();

    if (minimumDataValue == maximumDataValue)
    double singleValue = minimumDataValue ?? 0.0;

    _majorvalues = new List<double>() { singleValue - 0.1, singleValue + 0.1 };
    _majorvalues = GetTicks(minimumDataValue.Value, maximumDataValue.Value, ticksCount);

    private static int GetProposedTicksCount(double minimumValue, double maximumValue, double proposedMajorTickRange)

    int count = (int)((maximumValue - minimumValue) / proposedMajorTickRange);

    return count;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns values of major tickmarks
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override IEnumerable<double> MajorValues()
    return _majorvalues;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns values of minor tickmarks
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override IEnumerable<double> MinorValues()
    return _minorValues;


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