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XamChart Series and Axes in Expression Blend 2.5


I have NetAdvantage WPF 2008 Vol 1 and I'm using Expression Blend 2.5 June 2008 Preview. I was following a tutorial in your Developer's Guide (  and noticed something is missing. I cannot add Series or Axes through the Blend GUI because the buttons are missing in the Properties area.

The screen shot in the Guide list the following under the Chart Data section: Axes (Collection), Caption, Legend, Lights (Collection), Scene, Series, Theme, Transform3D, View3D.

My Blend interface has only Caption,  Legend, Sene, Theme, Transfor3D, View3D.

This is not a big deal to me because I can type in the xaml manually but I was wondering if I'm missing something or if this is a known issue.



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    This is a known issue: readonly collection properties are not visible in the current version of Blend.  We have reported the issue to Microsoft and they have responded that it should be fixed in the next version of Blend.

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