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Display Event Point on xamTimeline even when duration is specified

I am using xamTimeline control. I have added datetime series in the xamTimeline. Now for each entry duration is specified so the event spam is visible. If no duration is specified then only the event point is displayed on the axis. I want to display both event spam (Specifying Duration) and also Eventpoint on the axis.

Please find the image attached for reference.


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    Offline posted

    Hello Bhushan,

    With respect to the entries in the XamTimeline, the duration property is what determines whether or not an event point or event span is shown on the XamTimeline, as internally, for each entry in a particular series, an event point or span is created for each entry. Currently, there is not a way to tell the XamTimeline to create both a span and a point for entries that have a duration property defined.

    You can however, "fake" this creation by adding a separate, dummy entry that has the same starting Time, but no Duration. This will show both the event point and span in your XamTimeline for that particular entry. Alternatively, you could also re-template the EventSpan elements to show a custom-created event point where the span begins as shown in this sample project:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer

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