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Regardng multiple records in xamorgchart

Hi, I am using xamorgchart in my application. everythings works fine but sometimes some nodes have 100+ childs and in that case xamorg chart showing 1 straight line because of number of records at child level and we have to zoom upto 200% and further need to scrolls mouse horizontally for long time to see actual data which looks quiet weird. is there any way to resolve it so that at least on 1st load it shows proper and when we expand node having multiple childs only expands. fyi, the node having multiple childs is already collapsed at 1st load even then it's occupying size for it's all childrens.



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    Hello Hitesh,


    You could use the Node Arrangement Settings and set the NodeArrangementStrategy to Stagger which should produce the most compact arrangement of the nodes. It is suitable for large sets of data. You could also try to reduce the value of the HorizontalNodeBuffer which should decrease the horizontal distance between nodes. Check out the following sample that illustrate the use of the setting above.

    Let me know if this is working for you and if I could be of further assistance with this matter.

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