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xamDataGrid - xamCalculationManager - Filtering on a calculated column.


We have a xamDataGrid and are using the xamCalculationManager so the users can create new (unbound) calculated fields from the other fields in the data record.

When we apply the xamDataGrid's inbuilt filtering to the calculated fields, in general it works, but we have come across an issue when the underlying data changes.

For example if we reset and re-load the underlying data source (ICollectionView on an Observable Collection), with a filter (on the calculated field) still in place on the grid, the Calculation Manager appears not to (re)calculate the calculated field in the new data records, so the calculated field has a value of null and thus the filter will exclude all rows, i.e. for a simple filter case "> 1".

We are currently using 15.2, but this issue looks to have existed since we started using this feature in grid version 13.1

Would be great if you could confirm this is an issue and any workaround.

Many Thanks,


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