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Range's FromScaleScroll method acting differently between versions v12.1 and v15.1


Recently our team upgraded the Infragistics libraries from version 12.1 to version 15.1.

While testing and making sure our existing functionality isn't broken I noticed that one functionality related to zooming charts are not working anymore.

After debugging for a few hours I narrowed it down to a single line:

chart.HorizontalZoombar.Range.FromScaleScroll(zoomState.Scale, zoomState.Scroll);

It seems that the FromScaleScroll method doesn't have any effect.

In order to show this different behavior I create a minimal sample application where I included a libs folder with v12.1.2107 and v15.1.2055 subfolders.

If you reference the v12.1 DLLs, the Range's Maximum value is changed to the correct 0.5 value.

If you reference the v15.1 DLLs, the Range's Maximum value remains 1.

Can you please advise? What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance.
  • 34510
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Szabolcs,

    In 15.1, FromScaleScroll requires that the XamZoombar control is rendered.  Currently your sample has the HorizontalZoombarVisiblity set to Collapsed so it is not being rendered.  Because of this it things the minimum scale you can provide is 1.

    If you need to adjust the zoom scale of the XamDataChart but you do not want the XamZoombar control to be visible, use the XamDataChart WindowScaleHorizontal and WindowPositionHorizontal properties instead.

    DataChart.WindowScaleHorizontal = 0.5;
    DataChart.WindowPositionHorizontal = 0;

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