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How to use Mask property when cell style is set to DoublePositiveWithSpin ?

In my application, there is a an ultragrid, in which I have used the following code in InitializeLayout method of the grid:

 e.Row.Cells[COLUMN_NAME].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DoublePositiveWithSpin; 

This is working fine as required, that is, a spin updater is being displayed in that cell, which can be used to increase or decrease the value of cell. But this restricts the value of cell ONLY UPTO 2 DIGITS AFTER DECIMAL. I want to display 4 digits after decimal. Please let me know that how this can be achieved.

Thanks in advance. 

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  • 28945
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ankit,

    You can override the column's MaskInput property within the IntializeRow event to customize how many digits are displayed after the decimal point. Example below:

    e.Row.Cells[0].Column.MaskInput = "nn.nnnn";

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.

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