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Autocomplete behavior

I am trying to make a combo box behave the way most auto-completes I see on the net do. There are two types of behavior I see on the net:

 In my example, there's a list of states.

1) In example one, if you type 'N' repetitively, you'd get each state starting with 'N' in order, which is what I'd like to do.

2) Is more of a filter behavior - you type in the letters and it filters out your results and presents the first one that matches as you type.

 Is there any way to emulate the type 1 behavior in wincombo? Also: what's the different between wincombo and wincomboeditor? Which most closely emulates simple listbox functionality?



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    samc1959 said:
    1) In example one, if you type 'N' repetitively, you'd get each state starting with 'N' in order, which is what I'd like to do.


    Try setting AutoEdit to false.  

    samc1959 said:
    2) Is more of a filter behavior - you type in the letters and it filters out your results and presents the first one that matches as you type.

    There's no way to do this built-in. You might be able to implement this by using RowFilters and handling the TextChanged event.  


    samc1959 said:
    what's the different between wincombo and wincomboeditor? Which most closely emulates simple listbox functionality?

    The major difference is that the WinCombo is more like the WinGrid. It has multiple columns, filtering, sorting, etc. The WinComboEditor is much simpler, just a single list like a regular MS ComboBox with some extra features.

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