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ultraFormattedTextEditor format HTML text


I'm using a ultraFormattedTextEditor on a windows Form. If I set it's value in design mode to "<b>bold text</b> and a <a href=\"\">link</a><br/>and a new line" what i see is html formated text, but if i set the same value dinamicaly, i only see the text with the tags inside, uninterpreted.

What can i do?

Thank you!

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  • 48586
    Verified Answer

    Hello ,


    From the description of your scenario it seems that you are assigning your formatted text to the Text property of UltraFormattedTextEditor and you should assign your formatted text to the Value property of UltraFormattedTextEditor. If you are using C# then code will looks like:


    ultraFormattedTextEditor1.Value =  "<b>bold text</b> and a <a href=\"\">link</a><br/>and a new line";


    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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