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Notification to cancel out scrolling in BeforeRowRegionScroll

I need to perform some operations before scrolling the row region for which I am using BeforeRowRegionScroll. But once the operations are being performed, if user changes the scroll region by keep on scrolling the rows using scroll bar, then it takes time to catch up. My query is there any notification in BeforeRowRegionScroll event (OR any other way) which helps in cancelling out the old scroll region so that I perform my operations on the new scroll region only? I know about e.Cancel in this event, but the question is the notification to perform this cancel when a new row region is scrolled.


  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I'm not really sure I understand your question.

    The grid does do some operations asynchronously, so you can run into some strange behavior in BeforeRowRegionScroll sometimes. But it depends on what you are trying to do.

    Often, the best way to deal with this is to perform your operations asynchronously, as well. One way you could handle this is to just set a flag inside BeforeRowRegionScroll to indicate that a scroll operation took place.

    But then do your actual processing in the grid's Paint event (and of course, reset the flag).

    But it's hard to give you any more useful advice without knowing exactly what you are doing and what's wrong with it.

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