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Add record through static row at bottom

Hi all, 

above is an image of a little app i am writing...

I would really like to add a record to the table by editing the grey row at the end of each band.

i have been searching for hours but to no avail.

please any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards



  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello Aiden,

    You could see a sample regarding this in our 'Windows Forms Feature Browser'.

    If you have this installed(if you have marked 'Samples' when installing Net Advantage), you could run it from 'Start Menu' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Infragistics' -> 'Windows Forms' -> 'Samples' -> 'Samples (local)'.

    When it loads, please navigate to the 'Grids' tab and then 'Launch' the 'Samples Explorer' sample. Or you can type in the 'Search:' "Samples Explorer". Then please launch 'V5.2 Fixed Add-Row Feature'.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.

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