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Win Grid: FilterRow separator color


We use a UltraWinGrid control on a web page that has a Filter Row  (see attached screenshot with an example). I used your example from "HOWTO:How can I make UltraWinGrid display vertical (column) borders without horizontal (row) borders?" And it does draw the vertical borders, but the filter row separator is still drawn with default color and thickness. Is there a way to change it?

Thanks, Igor

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    I think this sample was written before we had a FilterRow. :)

    Anyway, the problem is that the FilterRow cells use a different UIElement than regular cells. Normal cells use a CellUIElement and the FilterRow Cells use a FilterCellUIElement.

    FilterCellUIElement does not derive from CellUIElement, but both derive from a common base class: CellUIElementBase.

    So all you have to do is go into the DrawFilter code and change CellUIElement to CellUIElementBase (there are only 3 places where it is used) and then it works.

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