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How to access row or datasource of row if grid has grouped columns?


i'm using & .net 3.5

i've a dataset defined and passing it as source of grid. There is a column HasDescription and this column is type of "Byte Array" and contains image binary (i.e. some icon), one more column named Description has some text describing text of record.

Now HasDescription column shows icon if Description has some text in it and if user Mouse Hover it i trap Grid_MouseEnter() event and extract UltraGridCell from e.Element.GetContext.. method and display description text as tooltip.

Everything is working for this. The problem is that we also have grouping/Sorting functionality on grid and if i drag-n-drop HasDescription column on group box to group it The groups show HasDescription : System.Byte[] as title and on moving mouse over HasDescription it doesn't display text box becasue it doesn't return UltraGridCell from e.Element.GetContext(typeof(UltraGridCell)).

When i debug i see that the e.Element contains GroupByBoxUIElement and DataAreaUIElement. I want to display tooltip if user Mouse hover on HasDescription column in grouped row.

I tried to fetch UltraGridGroupByRow from GetContext method but it returns null.

Plz help.



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  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Hemant,

    If the mouse is over a GroupByRow, then you should be able to use GetContext to get the UltraGridGridGroupByRow. If that's not working, then something is wrong.

    Also, there is no reason why you should be getting a GroupByBoxUIElement when the mouse is over a GroupByRow. The GroupByBoxUIElement represent the GroupByBox that you drag the columns into at the top of the grid.

    The DataAreaUIElement is the element that contains all of the rows and cells, so I think you are just looking at the wrong element.

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