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Is it possible or not to read the value/target of cell with an hyperlink object ?


I would like to know if it is possible to read the value/target of a cell with an hyperlink object ?

The hyperlink object (for me), in not a formula (so i don't read the property Formula to get the info).

Example : it's not  "=HYPERLINK(URL,label)"


To do this, I create an new excel file (test.xls), right click on a cell, and click on "hyperlink", define my new hyperlink, save the file. 

Then i try to manipulate the file like this :



Workbook wb = Workbook.Load("test.xls");

Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[0];

WorksheetCell cell = sheet.GetCell("A1");

cell... hyperlink property something ???


This for an import project, so I can't ask to my users to change all values of their files.


I'm using Excel 2007, I have an ultimate version of infragistics components (vol 2010.3 / 2011.1)


Thanks for your help.


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