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WinChart X Axis Labels and Tick Mark Intervals


I am trying to make a demonstration WinChart, but I am having some trouble getting the X-axis labels and tick marks to line up with the data.  I have declared my axis formatting as follows:

 UltraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:MM/yyyy>"

UltraChart1.Axis.X.TickmarkInterval = 12

UltraChart1.Axis.X.TickmarkIntervalType = AxisIntervalType.Months


Then I have the following data points:

DataPointA As New DataPoint(Date.Parse("1/2010"), 5)

DataPointB As New DataPoint(Date.Parse("3/2010"), 1)

DataPointC As New DataPoint(Date.Parse("6/2010"), 10)

DataPointD As New DataPoint(Date.Parse("9/2010"), 5)

DataPointE As New DataPoint(Date.Parse("1/2011"), 1)


Then I add the data points to a NumericTimeSeries and show it on the chart.  However, my graph looks like the following.  I have circled the problem.  If I am thinking about this correctly, DataPointE should line up with the X-axis label and the tick mark line - but it does not.  Is there a way to fix this?  (The date parses out to 1/1/2011, so the point should fall directly on the 01/2011).




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  • 53790
    Verified Answer

    Hello Maevyn,


    If I understood well your scenario, maybe you are looking for the property :

    axisX.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle = RulerGenre.Discrete;

     I try to reproduce your scenario in a small sample. Please take a look at the attached sample and if you think that I misunderstood your scenario, feel free to modify my sample. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write me

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