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Set value for custom tooltip of a primitive in a custom layer : ILayer


following problem:

I have implemented a custom tooltip that implements the IRenderLabel interface. Within the ToString method I want to access the DATA_VALUE element of the context hashtable. That works fine for my barchart but not for my custom layer that implements the ILayer interface.

I have set following properties for my primitive (which is a dot) within the FillSceneGraph event of the custom layer:

                            Dot.Caps = PCaps.Tooltip | PCaps.HitTest;
                            Dot.Chart = UltraChart1.ChartType;
                            Dot.Row = 0;
                            Dot.Column = 0;
                            Dot.Value = 5; // Set some value

But still I cannot access the DATA_VALUE from within the tooltip class. Do I have to set the DataPoint property of my primitive and thus implement the IDataPoint interface??

I hope someone can help me,


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