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Put a progressbar in the alert

Dear sir/madam,

I need to show some "work in progress" animation so the user can understand  something is happening.

Is it possible to show a progressbar in the UltraDesktopAlert ?
Or any other suitable control?

Or, is it possible to insert some html code to perform any kind of wait animation? If yes could you share an example?

Thanks in advance


  • 4940
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    One way to do this would be to use the UltraActivityIndicator with the UltraDesktopAlert by retreiving the UltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo from the Show method.

    Code example below:


    // Create a UltraDesktopAlert and UltraActivityIndicator
    UltraDesktopAlert dalert = new UltraDesktopAlert();
    UltraActivityIndicator aindicator = new UltraActivityIndicator();
    // Configure the size of the activity indicator
    aindicator.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 20);
    // Set the desktop alert style
    dalert.Style = DesktopAlertStyle.Office2007;
    // Call the Show method of the desktop alert and grab the returned window info
    UltraDesktopAlertWindowInfo ainfo = dalert.Show("Your Caption", "Process is running...");
    // Get the window control
    Control desktopalertwindow = ainfo.DesktopAlertWindow;
    // Give the activity indicator a location on the desktop alert
    aindicator.Location = new Point(desktopalertwindow.Width - 105, desktopalertwindow.Height - 25);
    // Add the activity indicator to the desktop alert
    // Start the activity indicator animation


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