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AllDayEvent in UltraDayView


I am using UltraDayView v10.2 and i am trying to display AllDayEvent Appointment is AllDayEventArea.

I have following two problems

1) Here as the number of AllDayEvent Appointment increases, the Size of  AllDayEventArea also increases which result in decrease in timeSlotArea. Is there any way to limit the size of AllDayEventArea and use vertical scroll bar if needed?

2) Also in figure attached you can see the appointment for next day gets shifted down, causing empty space in AllDayEventArea. Is there any way for not allowing appointment to get shifted down?


When i tried similar in Appointment Section of MicroSoftOutlook, i found my both problem were solved. I doubt why am i not able to acheive same appearance in UltraDayView. Attached below is the screen shot of  MicroSoftOutlook where blue circle solves my first problem and red circle solves second one.

Any help and suggestion would be highly appreciable.

