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The same Menu for all toolbars?!

I have some toolbars in the toolbar manager, like in the following:

(use "view image" in your browser to see all the image)

I observed that if a toolbar is not displayed completely, "developping" it using the ">>" button opens all other toolbat commands, not just the commands specific to that toolbar...

In this way, every ">>" button opens in fact the same "contextMenu". Is there a possibility to display only specific toolbar elements for each semi-visible toolbar?

  • 44743
    Verified Answer

    I believe you can split this up by setting the UltraToolbarsManager.Style to Office2000. Obviously this would change the entire look of the UltraToolbarsManager, so it is not ideal. Other than that, I don't think there is any way to do this. You would have to submit a feature request for this ability.

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