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Ribbon AfterRibbonTabSelected event


I am using the UltraToolbarManager to create a Ribbon. In the AfterRibbonTabSelected event of the toolbar manager, I found that if I use my mouse scroll to change tabs, the selected tab I retrieved from the toolbar manager tree (ultraToolbarsManager.Ribbon.SelectedTab) is different from the one I retrieved from the event handler (e.Tab). If I change tabs by mouse clicking I don't have a problem. Can someone explain why this is happening?

I have attached a simple project for reference. The project is a VS2010 project and using Infragistics 10.2. It shows the key of the "selected" tab in the AfterRibbonTabSelected event in the text box.

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  • 71886
    Offline posted

    Hello FT,

    I believe that this behavior is due to the order of the firing of the events. In the mentioned event you could use the eventArgs to get the correct tab, otherwise you could check in the 'PropertyChanged' event that the selected tab is the right one after using the mouse wheel.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.

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