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Missing last row in ultragrid's drop down


I'm using an ultragrid that has a column set as dropdownlist.

This drop down has many rows and has some wide columns so when i drop down, the displaying grid appears on all the available space in the form  below the row and displays both scrollbars.

The first thing I noticed is that when I move the mouse over the grid the vertical scrollbar becomes a little bigger so it has less scrolling available. Then when I scroll the grid to the bottom I realized that the last row was missing, if I start pressing the down arrow in me keyboard, when I come to the last visible row and press down arrow again it shows me the missing row alone like in a new page. But the problem is that I can't get to that row scrolling with the mouse.

Also if I click on any header so the grid gets sorted, all rows become visible and I can scroll to the last row. After doing this each time I drop down the cell, I can see all rows including the one that was missing.


Thank you in advance


Pablo Rausch

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Pablo,

    If you are unable to completely scroll the last item of the dropdown into view, then that is clearly a bug.

    What version of the controls are you using? If you do not already have it, I recommend that you download the latest service release.

    How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community

    If that does not help, then we would need to see a small sample project reproducing the issue so we can check it out. You can post a sample project here on the forums by going to the Options tab.


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