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binding dropdown value list to the dropdown value list in another column

I have a table "tbl_credit_memos" to store credit memo detial. The credit_memos table has among other, a field for 'CustomerNo' and a field for "InvoiceNo".

tbl_credit_memos is displayed in a wingrid call ug_Main.

I have a dropdown (udd_CustomerNo) that is bound to the CustomerNo column in ug_Main(both the value and display properties are "CustomerNo"). udd_CusomterNo is populated by information from a table called tbl_Customers.

I also have a dropdown (udd_InvoiceNo) that is bound to the InvoiceNo column in ug_Main(both the value and display properties are "InvoiceNo"). udd_InvoiceNo is populated by information from a table called tbl_Invoices.

The above works fine, however, I need the invoice dropdown(udd_invoiceNo) to only display those invoices that are for the CustomerNo selected in the udd_CustomerNo drop down. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am using VS2010(visual basic), windows forms, and 10.3 Win CLR2x.  Thanks.

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