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UltraDayView - TimeSlotInterval

Is there any way to make sure the timeslot interval of 15minutes will be exaclty 15minutes instead of 14minutes 59secs?

Currently our program only let's user change up till minute level and not to seconds, but by doing so the default selected timeslot starttime and endtime will be 00 and 14 - instead of 00 and 15, because it is actually 00:00 and 14:59.

Any suggestion?

  • 69832
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Because time slots cannot intersect, the end time of one must not be the same as the start time of the next, hence the one second discrepancy. What you can do is, when dealing with the times, round the value of the TimeSlot.EndTime property up by one second.

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