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bringintoview the ribbon must be visible

Using version 8.3

Following code always returns "the ribbon must be visible". even when it is visible.




If UTM.Ribbon.Visible = True Then





The object exists at this point and can be viewed in VS2008 watch windows.

Please advise what i'm doing wrong, thanks.


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  • 20872
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello jeffmaultby,

    I have tried the mentioned code snippet and everything works fine within my sample. I have tested this out with NetAdvatantage 2008 vol3 as well as the latest available NetAdvantage 2010 vol3.

    One thing that you could try is upgrading up the latest service release possible for your version and give your application a try.

    If this is reproducible only under specific evnvironment please let me know so I will be able to research this further for you. 

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