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Add item to popup menu of ribbon


I am using Infragistics controls for Windows forms version: 10.1.20101.2018

My project has a MDI parent with a ribbon on it.  The toolbar manager has the 'Office2007UICompatibility' set to true.  One effect of this is that when I now right click my ribbon, I get the 'Add to Quick Access Toolbar', 'Show Quick Access Toolbar ...', and 'Min/Max Ribbon' pop-up menu items.

That's great.

What I'd like to do is add my own menu items to this pop-up.  Is there a way to do this?  If yes, could a code sample be provided?

Thanks in advance.


  • 53790

    Hello Kris

    Maybe one possible approach to achieve what you are looking for is to create your own context menu. Then you could get event BeforeToolbarListDropdown() and replace your default context menu with the new one. In your context menu you could include all or part of default actions plus your additional menu items. Please take a look at the attached sample for more details. Please let me know if you think that I misunderstood your scenario or if you have any questions.
