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How to create a weekview like outlook

I am using a combination of ultradayview, ultraweekview, ultramonthviewsingle and ultramontviewmulti. I want to create a weekview like outlook which looks like a ultradayview with more selected days.

But i cannot change the selected days in my calenderinfo, because i want to select one (or more) day(s) in ultramonthviewmulti (for example) and always show a ultradayview with days from monday till friday but with the active day (and the selected days) of the ultramonthviewmulti.

How can this be done?



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  • 69832
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    The controls expose a 'UseAlternateSelectedDateRanges' property, and UltraCalendarInfo exposes an AlternateSelectedDateRanges collection, but I am not sure if this will solve your problem. There is a sample that demonstrates this included with the SDK (also named 'AlternateSelectedDateRanges').

    A possible solution would be to assign a different UltraCalendarInfo to the UltraMonthViewMulti, handle the AfterSelectedDateRangeChanged event of that UltraCalendarInfo, and change the SelectedDateRanges of the other UltraCalendarInfo (the one to which the DayView/WeekView/MonthViewSingle are bound) in response to that event.

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