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Ultragrid and dynamic sizing

I am kind of a newbie to this so please be patient with me.  I need to have an Ultragrid that sizes to the page.  In other words I have a Tab control with an ultragrid on it.  the grid on a tab control has a label and two buttons over the top of it.  I need it to expand when the page expands, and then shrink to a min size with scroll bars when the page is made smaller.  How would I do this.  In the really real world you would throw a grid in the Panel and let the Panel adjust to the size of the screen.  When I try this my panel adjust, but my grid remains the size it is even if I have Fill selected on the dock.  Why cant' you fill a panel?  Am I missing a control?  Do I need to use dock manager?  To bad you can not set it to 80% or something like that, but that is kind of what I need to pull off.  Have a grid centerred and 80 percent width and 90 % height, and show or hide scroll bars as needed by the data or amount of columns.  I know you cant do that, but that is what I need to pull off.  Would I use dock manager and set properties?  Use an ultrapanel?  Have some code that checks window size in my app and then sets grid width and height based off of a percentage of that?

Please just point me in the right direction for this or resources and I will greatly appreaciate it.

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  • 2765
    Verified Answer

    Move your buttons and label to a seperate panel or group box and set doc property to top. Then move your grid to a seperate panel and set the doc property to fill. This should take care your problem.

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