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Deploying new toolbars and tools to existing application


We are trying to deploy an upgrade to our application which is already installed by clients. As part of this upgrade we are adding new toolbars and tools. Problem is that the application saves the toolbar layout to an xml file upon shutdown to allow users to persist their customization to the toolbar. Now, when the applicaiton starts all our new tools disappear because the toolbarsmanager is overriding the designer configuration by the xml file. Is there a way to perform some kind of merge between what we want to deploy and what the user saved in the xml?


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  • 44743

    Layout merging is not currently implemented. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager to create a feature request on your behalf.

    The only way to get this to work is to verify that the new tools and toolbars are present in the manager after loading the layout. If not, you will have to manually recreate them.

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