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Is there not sample code for the UltraWinNavigationBar?

The help file has some UltraWinNavigationBar code sample fragments, and Google found part of what looks to be a larger example (   How can I find the actual example on the Infragistics web site?  I'm looking for a clean way to build, manage and sync matching hierarchies of UltraWinTree nodes and UltraNavigationBar locations.  The differences in how they each deal with their roots is problematic.  

Why is there not  (or why can't I find) a list of samples for each control?    It drives me nuts (some days it's a short trip!) that the Infragistics Windows Forms Sample browser app thingy does not seem to have samples of several of the controls (always the one I need).  The search box on the form doesn't seem to help much either: try searching for the WinNavigationBar or NavigationToolbar 

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