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Custom events on custom DateButton in UltraCalendarCombo

How do you create and attach custom events to a custom DateButton in the UltraCalendarCombo control?  The online docs are..... incomplet.  I see no where in the properties to set the name of my method, and no events are available in code where I can attach the event like this:

                            AddHandler control.DateButons("key").click, AddressOf myMethod

If this is not possible, how would I go about creating my own control with the Infragistics controls, that would use an Ultra button or MS button where I can specify my own events? I need the same ComboBox type of dropdown calendar?



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  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
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    The DateButton class does not support that level of extensibility; when you use the 'Custom' setting for the DateButton.Type property, you can specify the date that gets selected when you click that button, but nothing more than that.

    You could probably work around this using the IUIElementCreationFilter interface, by removing the element that gets added for the DateButton, replacing it with a ButtonUIElement, and hooking the ElementClick event.

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