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Override search method in UltraDropDwon

I have a UltraWinGrid and in a colum I associate a UltraDropDrown with a colum of type string. The searchMethod os UltraDropDown perform search on colum that I specificate in DysplayMember, but the search compare  character by character and if it does't the same from the beginning the search does't find anything. I need change the form of search for find if a string contains in onther string. How can I do it?

I was searching by FilterCondition and FilterComparisionOperator, but I don't kwon use this or if is the solution for my problem?


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  • 469350
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    There's no way to do this if you are typing into the grid cell. However, you could enable RowFiltering on the UltraDropDown control and this would give the users the ability to filter the contents of the dropdown using the filtering UI.

            private void ultraDropDown1_InitializeLayout(object sender, InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
                e.Layout.Override.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.True;

    This will give the users a button on each column header and they can open up the custom filter dialog and do a Contains filter.

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