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Set Focus to a specific cell


I'm looking to force the user into a specific cell of a row when the grid is loaded and when the row changes. What are the best events to use for both of these options?

Bit of info - I have 2 non-disabled columns(NewEstimate and EstimatePercent) in the grid but want the user to be in NewEstimate ready to edit on grid load and any row change method, perform action click etc


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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    You would do something like this:



    The tricky part of this is when to do it. This code will not work in the Form_Load event, for example, because Visual Studio does not allow you to set focus to a control in that event. So one thing you can do to get around that is to call a method via a BeginInvoke call, rather than calling this code directly from inside the event.


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