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Toolbar created at runtime does not fill the width of the control


I realize the above description is terrible. I'm having a heck of a time condensing it. I have an area of the application I'm coding for which most everything has to be built at runtime for the UI. I am adding multiple UltraToolbarsManagers to the form. They are each docked within a different TabPage. I then add a single UltraToolbar to each of the UltraToolbarsManagers. Each toolbar has unique tools on it. I get no errors runnin the code; the managers, toolbars, and controls are created. I can even get a UIElement.Control.Height back from the toolbars. (the value is 26). However, I cannot see the toolbars or their tools. All I can see is a thin (1 px, maybe?) line across the top of where the controls are. I've got to be missing something, but I can't see it. Can anyone tell me what it is I'm not setting?


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  • 5374


    From your description it is hard to say what might be causing the problem.  One thing to note is that for a single form (or any container), you should only use a single UltraToolbarsManager.  You can add multiple toolbars to that UltraToolbarsManager.  That being said, can you post the code you are using to create your UltraToolbarsManagers, toolbars, and tools?


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