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Merge Cells

I have a ultrawingrid that I would like to format in the following manner I am having trouble trying to figure out how I am gong to do this

I want to group by the data in column 1 in Column 5 I have a ultrawincomb box that relates too all the grouping in Column 1



Column 1        Column 2       Column 3        Column 4        Column 5 

                            1                            3                      3                      4

A                          2                            2                     1 

                            2                            2                      3                       


                            1                            3                      3                       4

A                          2                            2                     1 

                            2                            2                      3                       



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  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I'm afraid I do not understand your question.

    You can group rows in the grid using the OutlookGroupBy feature. What you would do is handle the InitializeLayout event of the grid and add the column you want to group by to the SortedColumns collection.

    e.Layout.Bands[0].SortedColumns.Add(e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["Column 0"], false, true);

    The enable cell merging, you just use the MergedCellStyle property on the Override.

    e.Layout.Override.MergedCellStyle = MergedCellStyle.Always;

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