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Custom Appointment Form

 I like the way that the ultraDayView works and the scheduling.  However the fields that it uses will not meet my requirements.  I need to have some additional drop down/lookup boxes that will be populated/validated from my database such as customer and service.  Plus there are some other various things that my customer would like to see there in the future.

 I do not see anyway to easily alter the windows form control for the Customer Appointments.  I would be perfectly happy using my own database structures to hold all of the scheduling information. 

 I have found that I can interupt the an Edit using BeforeEnterEditMode with the e.cancel=true, which I hope will allow me to instead call my own form and handle the data myself (has anyone tried that successfully?).  But I can not find a function, other than Click & Double Click (which can not send a cancel event) to have my custom form called when creating a New Appointment.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you


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    Handle the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog event, set e.Cancel to true, and display your custom form. The event was designed for precisely the purpose you describe herein.
