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No ToolTip on Chart created on UltraTab Page


 I have WinChart built on UserControl, and this user control is added onto UltraTab (Manually).

 However, I don't see chart's tooltip on the first tab which is created on the OnLoad events of Windows Form, but see tooltips on the subsequent tabs created manually.

 1. At Load:

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e_) { CreateTab(); }

2. Create Tab


UltraTabsCollection tabs = _tabControl.Tabs;

UltraTab newTab = tabs.Add(newTabKey, newTabKey);

newTab.Selected = true;

//By Default, Create a ScatterChart

ChartControl newChart = new ChartControl(newTabKey) {Dock = DockStyle.Fill};




Here, I don't see ToolTip on ChartControl.

3. But when I manually call "CreateTab" later after load, subsequent tab pages with ChartControl has tooltips.




  • 947

    I found that the above problem was caused because chart's tooltips had no TopLevel Control. Is this always necessary? Because when the form (that contains chart)'s parent changes, there is no mean to update tooltips's control.

     Moreover, I don't see why the chart's tooltips depend on this.

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